Kenyatta's Corner

This is a window into my world, my thoughts and ideas about love, life and pain. I have been writing poetry since the age of thirteen and I have used my poetry to help me with the joy and pain of life. I hope you enjoy sharing my life story.

Location: Los Gatos, California, United States

Monday, March 05, 2007

Silent Love

If I could sing, I would write a page
full of melodies that remind me of you.

If my voice could hit an octave, I would share
my love with you and only you.

If my fingers could tickle the ivories, you would
know how much you mean to me.

Oh, If I could sing I would tell you
my innermost thoughts without hesitation

But, since my voice can't hit an octave
and I can't tickle the ivories.

I shall remain silenced, hoping, wishing and
wanting you to know

If only I could sing.

Kenyatta D. Berry
January 31, 2007


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