Kenyatta's Corner

This is a window into my world, my thoughts and ideas about love, life and pain. I have been writing poetry since the age of thirteen and I have used my poetry to help me with the joy and pain of life. I hope you enjoy sharing my life story.

Location: Los Gatos, California, United States

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Once upon a time I was a slayer of the dragons of love.

The dragon of pain, which made my heart drip the reddest blood.

The dragons of disappointment and jealousy, those made me stop trusting anyone.

The dragon of fear that made me shield my heart.

Then I met a King who possessed more poison than a Cobra.

Who sucked the love from my heart like a leech?

The dragon reappeared and I was eaten alive.

My heart was no longer the warrior I took years to train.

It was a mangled mess inside a woman, insane.

I joined him to become his Queen but to him,

I was a possession, a piece of property not a human being.

When I left my King, I was a shy peasant girl.

Setting out into his Kingdom and the rest of the world.

I see the dragons of love each and everyday.

But I no longer have the strength to slay.

I am a woman conquered, beaten and wounded.

I am no longer a warrior, my rein has ended.


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